3 Baby Registry Essentials You’ll Actually Use

Compiling a comprehensive baby registry can be an overwhelming experience—especially if you’re a first-time parent. You probably already know you don’t need everything marketed to parents-to-be, but how do you cut through the noise and identify the truly necessary items? The good news is we’ve done the work for you and identified the baby registry essentials you’ll actually use, so you can focus on your little bundle of joy’s arrival.


Diapering items are a great addition to any baby registry, because you’ll be changing thousands of diapers throughout the first few years. Be sure to include diapers in various sizes, baby wipes, and a few different types of diaper rash cream. If your baby has extra sensitive skin, it’s nice to be able to try out different creams until you find the best fit. To keep your hands clean when applying the cream, a diaper cream spatula is helpful and hygienic.

You should also add a baby wipe dispenser with a weighted top, so you can quickly pull out one or two wipes instead of a handful. A diaper pail is another essential, because you don’t want the smell of dirty diapers to permeate your entire house. Lastly, a waterproof changing pad is important to keep your baby comfortable whether at home or on the go.


Sleep-related items are another category of baby registry essentials. Especially throughout the first few months, babies sleep a lot, so you want to ensure they’re as comfortable and safe as possible. During the newborn stage, sleep swaddles and sleep sacks are extremely popular, so it’s wise to add a few different styles to your registry. Like most things, you won’t know what your baby prefers until they’ve arrived, so it’s nice to have several options on hand.

When it comes to splurge-worthy nursery essentials to buy, consider a smart baby monitor. You can connect the monitor to Wi-Fi or your phone to seamlessly keep an eye on your little one when you’re not in the room. Most smart monitors also include a camera and other features, so do some research before you choose the right option for your family.

A sound machine is another must-have baby item to drown out outside noises during periods of rest. If you want to improve sleep while you’re out and about, consider adding a portable sound machine to your registry.

And since many babies sleep in their bassinet at first rather than the crib, a high-quality bassinet with a waterproof mattress cover is ideal.


Clothing certainly falls under the category of baby registry must-haves, because your little one will quickly grow and change. However, during the first few months, your child will primarily be living in basic onesies. Be sure to include several sizes of zip-closure onesies on your registry. Onesies with buttons or snaps make diaper changes much more difficult—especially in the middle of the night.

Sleep gowns are another convenient option for nighttime. Whether you choose one that has elastic or ties at the bottom, they provide quick access for diaper changes. Finally, muslin blankets are relatively inexpensive and serve many purposes, so don’t be afraid to ask for several on your registry. From nursing covers to burp rags to car seat covers, these fabric squares are true powerhouses.

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