How To Be Romantic With Your Partner Before (And Beyond!) Valentine’s Day

By Ashley Alt

It’s that time of year again. We head to the grocery store to pick out dinner for the week and POOF! We are blinded by the pink and red explosion coming from the candy aisle. Whether you love it or hate it, February 14th is approaching.

This post is your reminder that just because we have kids and demanding jobs doesn’t mean we can’t make time to be a little lovey dovey with our significant others every now and then.

That said…here are 12 ways to be romantic with your partner:

couple, holding hands, man-1869206.jpg
What makes a great date?
  1. Have a “my fantasy life” conversation: It’s fun to dream about your ideal house, wardrobe, vacation, etc., so why not dream out loud with each other on what you want out of life? Dig deep and talk about specific places and things you want to experience together.
  2. Take a shower together: Showering together is a really relaxing, intimate way of bonding with your partner.
  3. Go on a morning date: I am a huge fan of the morning date because the pressure to be formal is off. Get coffee and/or mimosas at a cute bistro instead of the tiring dinner date scene.
  4. Cook them their favorite meal: Equipped with mood music, candles, and you in your LBD.
  5. Order them their favorite meal: If cooking isn’t your thing, give the corner Chinese spot a ring and have it hot and ready when they get home.
  6. Write them a funny love poem: And stick it in their briefcase or pocket when they aren’t looking. The funnier the better.
  7. Give each other massages: Not just any massage, and definitely not while you’re doing something unromantic, like watching Netflix on the couch. Give each other the full spa day effect — dim lighting, good smelling lotion, hot towel, burning candle, etc.
  8. Give them specific compliments: And make it a habit. Don’t just say, “I love when you wear those tight jeans!” once and then forget about it. Really get detailed.
  9. Sign up the both of you to volunteer at a shelter for an afternoon: If you’re thinking, “I don’t have time for this…” “The kids have sports…” yada yada, stop that thinking right now and just do it. Figure out the details later. Because if we aren’t volunteering to play with dogs on snowy Saturdays, what are we even doing with our lives?
  10. Hold hands while going for a walk: Remember when holding hands was thrilling back in 6th grade? Go for a stroll in the park or in your neighborhood and hold hands. There’s something about hand-holding that signifies unity and “I’m there for you babe” vibes.
  11. Make them a playlist of their favorite songs: I am really dying for my husband to do this for me, so I hope he’s reading. Is there nothing better than having your favorite songs at the ready, no matter where you are? 
  12. Go to a jewelry shop together: If only just to look, who cares. The point is to go somewhere fancy and point out your wishlist diamonds and watches just for the fun of it. Take it to another level and put on your vintage overcoats and elbow gloves to pretend you’re living in olden, romantic times.

Have other ideas? Let me know! Happy V-Day from my motherhood chaos and bliss to yours.

how to be romantic with your partner
Ashley Alt

Ashley Alt is a freelance writer based in Connecticut. Her interest area lies in mental health, as she continues to advocate for those struggling with mental illness. She believes our weirdness is what makes us great.

You can sign up for her happiness newsletter here.

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