#MomCrush Monday Series: Meet Lilliana Vazquez, Emmy-Winning TV Host & Style Expert

Hispanic Heritage Month takes place September 15 to October 15 every year as a time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive histories of the American Latino/Latina community. With that said, we are interviewing Lilliana Vazquez, who is known as one of the fashion blogging OGs, and has carried many titles – from blogger to style expert, TV commentator to now a television host on E!.

1. You’re known as one of the fashion blogging OGs, and have carried many titles – from blogger to style expert, TV commentator to now a television host on E!. You have successfully worked in one of the toughest industries to work in. What tips do you have for other women wanting to get into the industry?

My advice for women wanting to get into the industry, is to 1.) Find what makes them stand out and use that as their superpower whether it is a plethora of knowledge in a niche subject, an intimate connection to a community, or an eye for captivating stories 2.) Be the hardest working person in the room. Recognize and accept that in your early years you need to put in the work and showcase your passion every step of the way. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas, to voice your opinions and provide your feedback. 

2. It’s amazing how you utilize your platform for so much good, such as advocating for your community, fighting for Latinx representation in media and entertainment, as well as raising awareness on social issues.  What drives you to do these things?

I always wanted to use my platforms to advocate for our community, and fight for Latinx representation in media and entertainment. I was the first in my family to attend and graduate from college. It was a really big deal for my family. There are still not many of us who get the opportunity to reach places where voices and concerns are heard. I knew that as I began to work in TV and media that this would be one of my responsibilities. Something that I owe my community. 

3. After battling with six years of infertility and IVF, you’ve announced the birth of your healthy baby boy. Many warm wishes are being sent your way!  What do you want readers to know about your experience? What words of advice might you have for other mothers who may be going through a similar situation?

There are so many women who struggle with infertility and decide to pursue IVF. Although it can feel like an extremely isolating experience I’d love for those going through this to keep in mind that they truly aren’t alone. So many women deal with infertility and decide to use IVF in hopes of getting pregnant. Find your community. Whether that is in person, or online there are so many women looking to connect and offer support to one another. There is so much we can learn from each other.

I’d also say, to find a therapist that has experience in maternal wellness and IVF. There is such a mix of challenging emotions to navigate through and talking to a professional can help you navigate those feelings and ultimately provide a safe space where you feel heard and supported. 

4. As a TV Host & Style Expert and a BRAND NEW mom, what tips can you share with other moms about how you handle it all? 

That you will have days where you feel you have it all together and then you will have days and moments where you will think you are doing everything wrong. Parenting changes so much in you. On one hand you have this new found purpose in life to take the best care of a little human who depends on you for everything and it can fill you up with so much love. On the other hand, you can easily lose yourself in the process. Both your physical and mental health go through a transformative process preparing for the baby’s arrival and then the transition back to your “normal” self after birth. My tip is to take it one day at a time. Even when you think you are doing wrong chances are you are doing something right because there is nothing you wouldn’t do for your childs’ safety and happiness. 

5. What is your favorite song lyric? Why?

So don’t you sit upon the shoreline

And say you’re satisfied

Choose to chance the rapids

And dare to dance the tide

From The River by Garth Brooks

mom crush monday lilliana vazquez modern mom probs
Lilliana Vazquez

Lilliana Vazquez is known as one of the fashion blogging OGs, and has carried many titles – from blogger to style expert, TV commentator to now a television host on E!. The enterprising star has curated a career that began from her small blog (CheapChicas.com), which she launched in 2008, to being seen by millions daily on numerous platforms including NBC TODAY, “Extra” to “The Talk,” “Rachael Ray,” “The Wendy Williams Show” and “Steve Harvey.” Today, she’s at E! as a host of Daily Pop.

Born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas, to a Puerto Rican father and Mexican mother, Lilliana is a first-generation Latinx who radiates gratitude for the dedication and sacrifices that her family made for her. Among the first in her family to attend college, she graduated from George Washington University, where she earned a double-major in international business and entrepreneurship.  Lilliana has always used her platform to advocate for her community, and fight for Latinx representation in media and entertainment, as well as raise awareness on social issues.

In April of 2021, Lilliana announced she was pregnant with her first child, after battling with six years of infertility and IVF. After living this experience, Lilliana wishes to use her voice and platform to break the taboo around infertility and how it affects the Latinx community. In late July,  Lilliana announced the birth of her healthy baby boy, Santiago “Santi” Merrick McGrath. Lilliana hopes to continue sharing about her journey to motherhood, the lessons, the challenges and hope with other mothers and those who hope to experience motherhood one day. 

IG: @lillianavazquez

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