MomCrush Monday: Meet Anne-Marie Kavulla, owner of PIRTTI

1.) You are a mother of three with a natural dye studio practice and a business. What motivates you? What have you learned about balancing your craft with business and parenthood?

MomCrush Monday Meet Anne-Marie Kavulla, owner of PIRTTI

As much as I enjoy motherhood, it is important for me to show up for myself as a person separate from motherhood. I will always be a mother, but I know that my children learn not just from what I say, but what I do. And someday they will leave and start their own lives! I feel that this is a time to follow the advice I would give. If you want it, you have to work for it, and if what you want makes you happy, then it’s worth doing. I want them to witness as part of their everyday lives an energy of going after what you want so it doesn’t seem foreign to them. As for achieving balance, I learned as a former dancer that balance is actually movement. Balance is never still, it is never perfect. Balance is effort. I do my best to plan and define the boundaries of what is work time and what is family time. Sometimes they blur, but it’s because my family is very supportive of my endeavors!

2.) What drew you to work with natural dyes? How has your studio practice influenced how you see the world?

I’ve always been interested in color. My BFA is actually in choreography and I always felt that costumes, particularly color of costumes greatly influenced a piece. I have always been a knitter and a weaver, making color became something I always wanted to explore more. I had taken a few workshops here and there, but in 2019 I had a benign tumor in my hand. I had to take a break from working with my hands. It was the perfect opportunity to start working with natural dyes. It felt like all the years of being involved with textiles were now coming full circle, and this longing to have a more intimate relationship with color opened a new world where I could bring together the values I embrace. I have become so much more interested in understanding the harmful global impact of the textile industry both as a chemical pollutant and a workers rights issue.

3.) What have you learned from developing your brand and business over the last few years? What advice would you offer to fellow parents building their own ventures?

Developing a brand and a business can be very exciting. Seeing your vision come to life and seeing people respond to it can be thrilling. I think it’s important to carve out time to stay true to creative thinking. Day-to-day operations can take so much of your time, and whether you are a parent or have other obligations, time is limited. As a person who works primarily by herself, I am very grateful for and lean on the people who understand my business and can help me get work done in an efficient manner. When you wear all the hats, there are so many learning curves that you juggle. My advice is to get help – for every facet of my business, I have someone with a different specialty who I can call on for help. 

MomCrush Monday Meet Anne-Marie Kavulla, owner of PIRTTI

4.) You’re an avid practitioner of everyday sustainability, in your life and business. What are some sustainable ideas or habits you’re learning about these days?

I am so fascinated by composting. I am always finding ways to make it an easy part of our lives. (We currently use a pick-up service which we love!) I think if more people were educated on it and understood how easy it is to compost, we’d have a giant step towards less waste. I’m finding that things like composting and mending, any type of fixing even at its simplest form are not skills people know how to do anymore. I think it’s up to us as individuals to take back those skills and teach our children.

5.) What is your favorite song lyric? Why?

As an avid musical theatre fan, I don’t have a favorite lyric, however, I am drawn to the genre because of its storytelling. The coming together of music and lyrics is a balm for my soul. A little-known fact is that I still sing and take voice lessons regularly, just so I can live in the world as brought to life by Maury Yeston, Stephen Sondheim, among others. Singing in my car is my meditation!

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