#MomCrush Monday: Meet Brynn Snyder, Co-Founder of Slate Flosser 

1.) You’re the co-founder of Slate Flosser, a philanthropist, and, most importantly, an amazing mother of 5!  You are a busy woman! What are some of your best time management tips?

  • My best advice for time management is to choose what you want to get done and what is most important, focus your time and energy on those things and let go of what’s not most important! So my best advice is Don’t try to do it all; that will lead to burnt-out. Also, a great piece of advice is to be willing to accept that it’s okay that you won’t be able to do it all. Once you can embrace that, you can live a more joy-filled life! 
  • Find a system that works best for you and organize what you want to get done! I use a calendar. I plan everything for my family on a large wall calendar and have everything in a google calendar with reminders and alarms set (I can really get in the zone, so having alarms or reminders helps me stay on track! )
  • Assign out what you are not passionate about! Don’t forget to ask for help. I know that I just won’t get to the deep cleaning and laundry at my house, so I make sure that it is essential for me to include that in my budget.  I also found that I wanted to invest in hiring a nanny because it was really important to know that my kids were safe and cared for so I could focus on building my business without worrying about my children! 
  • I also think it is important to do something that fulfills you daily. (I love being outside, so I try to run or walk outside daily, and I exercise every morning,)

2.) Slate highlights that it is a WOMEN run. We LOVE this!  Please share with our readers why this was important for you to share with your audience.  

momcrush monday brynn snyder slate flosser
Brynn and Danny Synder

I co-founded the company with my husband, the inventor of the flosser, and we soon realized that it was more of my passion to lead the business side of things. I wanted to find like-minded women with the same passion and energy to help us make this business a success. It is also super crucial in showing my girls how much women can accomplish and that success isn’t determined or measured by your gender. Women can and have the ability to be successful!  

3.)  You and your husband are the dynamic duo behind an explosively growing startup that manufactures an electric flosser to give patients an effective tool to avoid cavities and improve their overall health.  What can you share with our readers about your product and how important it is for their own health?

Did you know that 60-70% of cavities in kids form between the teeth? When we are young, our experiences at the dentist teach us how we react to the dentist during our lifetime. I never had cavities at the dentist growing up and love going to the dentist because the experience was never stressful or “scary”. Our product is designed to remove more plaque and bacteria and to do it in an easy and effective way, thus leading to fewer cavities and “stressful dental visits”! That is why we created the flosser. We are so passionate about preventative dental care, and we wanted to create a new way to effectively floss so people actually do it and have fun while doing it! 

momcrush monday brynn snyder slate flosser
Brynn and her children

4.) Even with so much on your plate, you stay very involved in your community. Can you share three tips for busy parents who want to get involved and feel like they don’t have enough time to do so?

Referring back to the first question, you have to decide what matters to you. Is it helping single mothers, playing with your kids, PTG, or the neighborhood council? I wanted to hit two birds with one stone, and since I love to be active and wanted to show my kids it is important to me, I decided to try and coach their teams when I can. Last year it was a basketball team, and this year, it was our school’s cross-country team. For both of these, I asked for a specific time and location and said that if I couldn’t get those, I could not coach. I was able to get the days and times that worked for my family, so it was a win-win! 

5.) What is your favorite song lyric? Why?

Wow, this is hard. I barely listen to music or watch tv anymore. Amazing Grace (sung by Carrie Underwood) when this life gets hard, I know that while maybe I can’t do it all, I can do it with the assistance of a higher power! 

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