Non-Verbal Cues Toddlers Demonstrate When They’re Sick

Looking out for our children’s health is one of our main priorities as mothers. However, sometimes, it can be challenging to determine whether our kiddos are ill since they can’t exactly communicate their symptoms to us. Luckily, neither you nor your young ones are completely helpless. Learn the non-verbal cues toddlers demonstrate when they’re sick to best help them in their time of need.

Crying More Than Usual

It’s normal for a toddler to cry every now and then, but they could be trying to tell you that they’re not feeling well if they’re crying more than usual. Our little ones often don’t know how to communicate what’s happening, so they cry to express their discomfort when they’re sick.

You know your toddler best, so you can recognize what’s out of character for them. Take their temperature and check their ears if they seem more agitated than normal.

Refusing To Eat

Kids are known for being picky eaters, but your toddler could be feeling unwell if they’re shooing away their favorites. Eating is the last thing anyone wants to do when they have a sore throat, ear infection, or upset stomach. Your child refusing to eat could be a precursor for a rough few days for them.

Sleeping More Than Usual

While babies and toddlers need a lot of sleep, sleeping unusually more (or significantly less) than usual might be a sign that they’re coming down with something. Their little bodies are trying to fight off an infection or virus when they have trouble staying awake or falling asleep. Keep track of how much your child sleeps and see if their pattern deviates from their habits.

Getting Cuddly

An increased need for cuddles and hugs is another sign your child is feeling ill. Physical contact reassures them when they are on the mend. You can take advantage of this extra lovey-dovey time, cuddle up with them, give them their lovey, and cradle them in your arms. Your love helps them feel safe, reduces anxiety, and keeps their body temperature steady. And it gives you fond memories of bonding with them during pregnancy.

Rubbing Their Ears or Holding Their Head

Infants and young toddlers can’t tell us if they are experiencing a headache when they’re sick, but they still give off signs. Constant rubbing of their ears is one tell-tale sign that your kiddo might have a headache or ear pain.

This action is a natural response to pain in the ear region. Additionally, toddlers will hold their heads, which may indicate they have a headache. Keep an eye on them, so you can take the necessary actions to help them feel better, especially if they have a fever.

Recognizing these non-verbal cues toddlers demonstrate when they’re sick can clue you in if your little ones aren’t feeling like themselves. Reacting swiftly will reduce several severe systems that may take multiple days to subside, giving you a happier child at the end of the day.

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