One Amazon Series to Rule Them All

By Tara Clark

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power airs September 2nd on Amazon.

What’s a 6th grade reading list without JRR Tolkien’s, The Hobbit? If you’re like me (and my husband), hobbits, orks, wizards and of course, the great eye of Sauron are pretty standard vocabulary. Tolkien’s many works have captured the imagination of so many children and adults over the years, and who can forget the cultural phenomenon that was Peter Jackson’s amazing Trilogy? Well, if you’re like us, your thirst for more Middle Earth hasn’t gone away. But finally Amazon’s, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, arrives on September 2nd. I was lucky enough to see the first 2 episodes and let me tell you, I’m all-in! The series begins in Middle Earth’s Second Age, thousands of years before the Lord of the Rings, and is based on Tolkien’s histories of Middle Earth. It begins during a time of peace and the series will cover the forging of the Rings of Power, the rise of Sauron and the last alliance between Elves and Men.

The episodes are shot beautifully and the landscape, costumes and characters bring the world to life. If you’re like me and you’re a bit attached to Peter Jackson’s interpretation of the many characters in the books, you will also be glad that while there are subtle differences in this new series, the faithfulness to the book is the same, and so, well, orks look like orks and elves look like elves (no funny business!). I can’t say much more, but know that the series is action-packed and cinematically beautiful and it touches on so many of the mysteries that drive the story behind The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series. For those who aren’t total Tolkien fans, it’s also a great way to get into that universe while watching a standalone entertaining new show. One episode of this and you’ll be calling this show your “precious”.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power arrives on Amazon on September 2nd.

Get ready for a return to Middle Earth.
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