Teaching Kids Responsibility: Activities and Free Printables

By: Rhett Rivera

teaching kids responsibility free printables free activities

Kids learn from their environment and retain words and social cues like a sponge. Learning responsibility turns today’s children into the leaders of tomorrow. To teach your kids the values of hard work and independence, we’ve compiled a list of helpful tips below.

Plan a Vacation

Plan a family vacation with your children and have them organize a schedule filled with activities, locations to visit, food spots, and cultural immersions. Vocalize that while you as the adult will manage logistics and logging, they have control over the fun!

This activity is a great bonding opportunity that also allows your kids to manage their time, communicate with family members about their interests, and lead the majority of the trip.

Assign House Chores

Assigning chores such as cleaning up their toys, taking out the trash, vacuuming the carpets, or washing the car are forms of responsibility that contribute to the general household. Being in charge of specific tasks means taking leadership for the completion of those to-dos.

This activity reminds them of their role in the family and their weekly commitment that if not complete, can slow down the family dynamics or impede their free time. Time management would be an additional skill learned. 

Help Them Get Their First Job

Teach your children financial responsibility by encouraging them to get their first job and save. Your teens can get a part-time job in fast food or retail or your younger kids can network with family and friends for dog walking or babysitting opportunities.

Use the printable business cards for kids below to help your kids get started on their money-making journey.

teaching kids responsibility free printables free activities

[Printable Business Cards for Kids Download]

This opportunity teaches your child the value of saving their hard-earned money and even investing. Once your minor has their first job, open a Roth IRA for them and offer them control over their retirement savings. 

Encourage Them to Volunteer

Volunteering at a local animal shelter, soup kitchen, or community event allows your children to be responsible for an impactful project that changes lives. Research your area for volunteer opportunities including the social media of community or nonprofit organizations seeking young volunteers.

This activity is a chance for your kids to take on leadership roles and even learn skills for a future career field. Listen to your child about the causes they care about to choose which organization to volunteer for. 

Responsibility and Kids

Practicing commitment, time management, and creating positive change in their communities are forms of responsibility that sculpt children into the leaders of tomorrow. Share these activities with your child and download the free printables to inspire responsibility and personal growth.

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