What To Do if Your Child Flushes a Toy Down the Toilet

You automatically adopt many roles when you become a parent. One day, you’re a maid; the next, you’re a chef. Until one day, you become…a plumber?

Children are curious little ones, and you might end up with one who loves to stick their toys down the toilet. So, what should you do if your child flushes a toy down the toilet? Don’t worry; we’re here to save the day—or rather, you are, but with our guidance! Quickly and smoothly fix this problem with our help.

Don’t Panic

First and foremost, keep calm. Panicking will only make matters worse. Once you’ve collected yourself, shut off the water supply to your toilet, typically found behind the toilet base or near the wall. You can also drain the water from the bowl with a cup; we know it’s not glamorous, but it does the job.

Try Various Methods

You’re in luck if little Skye from Paw Patrol is still visible in the toilet! You can try various methods to fish out the toy before having to call a plumber. The easiest way to grab the toy when it’s visible is, unfortunately, to slap on some gloves and fish it out.

You can always try something that resembles a hook to ween it out if pulling the toy out with your hands doesn’t work. Using a plunger is also a good idea, but you could damage the toilet if you plunge too hard. Other options, such as a snake or auger, can also help you in a pinch.

Seek Professional Help

It’s time to call a plumber if the toy isn’t visible or you’re unable to reach it. Remember, attempting to fix the issue yourself without the proper tools or knowledge can lead to more extensive (and expensive) damage to your plumbing or septic system. A professional plumber can diagnose the severity of the blockage and determine the most appropriate course of action.

Preventive Measures for the Future

Now that you’ve dealt with the immediate crisis, it’s time to implement some preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of such incidents happening again. Consider implementing the following strategies:

Educate Your Children

Although it may seem obvious, ensuring your children understand the dangers of flushing toys down the toilet is crucial. Emphasize the importance of not playing near the toilet and explain the potential consequences of such actions.

Maintain Your Plumbing System

Every homeowner wants to avoid problems with their septic system and plumbing. You can identify potential issues before they become major headaches by keeping your plumbing system in optimal condition.

Parenting can be a wild ride, full of surprises and challenges. Knowing what to do if your child flushes a toy down the toilet is a must for any parent. With a little diligence and education, you can safeguard your plumbing system and avoid these frustrating situations in the future.

And if all else fails, just remember that this too shall pass. One day, you’ll be reminiscing on the tale of Skye’s misadventure down the drain at your child’s graduation party!

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