Hobbies and Activities for Children on Hot Summer Days

As we approach mid-summer, the sunshine we hoped for in the winter is becoming a bit too much to handle. The fun once planned for the afternoon turns into you and your children hanging out indoors. As you brace yourself for the incoming, “I’m bored,” keep a few activities on hand to have a fun day while enjoying the air conditioning.

Don’t let the heat stop the fun! Here are a few hobbies and activities for children on hot summer days to enjoy.

Movie Review Club

When in doubt, watch a movie! Various subscription and free streaming services offer different types of documentaries, cartoons, action, thriller, and comedy movies appropriate for families to enjoy! Take the family movie day to the next level by transforming your entertainment room into a movie theater. After the film is over, review it! Ask your child inquisitive questions about the plot and their favorite parts of the movie. Doing so will open the conversation to fun family discussions and make the time go by fast.

Indoor Obstacle Course

Are your kids full of energy? Create an indoor obstacle course or scavenger hunt to let them run around and play. You can use furniture, pillows, and blankets as barriers and hide household items around the house to act as “gold.” Whoever collects the most “gold” will get a treat at the end! This activity is great for children with autism to enjoy and develop play skills.

Experiment in the Kitchen

Another great hobby or activity for children on hot summer days is experimenting in the kitchen. Teach them how to make their favorite foods and tasty, sweet treats. This time spent in the kitchen is a great way to teach them kitchen safety and the basic rules of cooking. After a few lessons, you can host a taste test night or a friendly cooking competition so they can show off their skills.

Create a Scrapbook

Have they created fun memories on camera already? Develop the pictures and start a family scrapbook with your child! Allow these memories to live on and foster your child’s creativity skills by helping them decorate your family album. They can paint borders for your pictures, add stickers, and add different fonts to make the scrapbook unique with your help.

Build a Blanket Fort for Relaxation

Build a blanket fort to relax under on those days when it’s too hot to do anything. Underneath the fort is a world of endless possibilities. You can do anything inside a blanket fort, from sharing stories to reading books to napping to playing video or board games! The shade from the blankets will help keep a cool and relaxing atmosphere.

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