Top Ways To Avoid Plumbing Clogs at Home

Between managing kids, work, and the household, you’re used to being the go-to problem solver in your family. Get another skill under your belt by reviewing some essential knowledge to prevent a common household issue—plumbing clogs. These annoying blockages can disrupt your day and potentially lead to costly repairs. Knowing how to navigate the world of home plumbing will ensure your pipes remain in good condition no matter what flows their way. Learning several top ways to avoid plumbing clogs at home will keep water flowing throughout all areas of your house at all times.

Prioritize the Role of Regular Drain Maintenance

Regular drain maintenance should never be seen as an optional task. It’s the key to preventing pesky clogs and ensuring your plumbing system lasts longer, so it deserves to be a priority in your life. Simple practices like routinely checking for leaks, slow drains, or unusual noises can help you catch problems in their early stages. Additionally, regular cleaning with safe, non-corrosive cleaners can help remove minor build-ups before they become major blockages. Proactive maintenance is always cheaper and less stressful than reactive repairs.

Keep Your Pipes Clear of Off-Limits Items

One of the easiest ways to prevent clogs is by being mindful of what goes down your drains. Many everyday items can wreak havoc on your plumbing system if they end up in your pipes. For instance, in the kitchen, avoid disposing of grease, coffee grounds, or food scraps in the sink. These substances can solidify or clump together, causing stubborn clogs over time. In the bathroom, keep items like hair, dental floss, wipes, and feminine products out of the toilet. Even if these items are labeled as flushable, they don’t break down very quickly and can lead to serious blockages. Not only will flushing such items cause pipe clogs, but they can also wreak havoc on your septic system as a whole; keep these items out of your pipes at all costs. Educate everyone in the household about these off-limits items to maintain clear and functional pipes.

Childproof Your Drains

If you have young children at home, it’s important to childproof your drains. Kids are naturally curious and may flush toys, tissues, or other objects down the toilet or sink, leading to unexpected clogs. Installing toilet lid locks to prevent little hands from flushing inappropriate items is perhaps one of the best ways that moms can avoid plumbing clogs at home. Also, use drain covers or strainers in sinks and bathtubs to catch any objects before they go down the drain. Teaching your kids about what is and isn’t appropriate to put down the drain from a young age will also go a long way in maintaining your home’s plumbing health.

Know When To Call a Plumber

While regular maintenance and preventive measures can keep most plumbing issues at bay, there will be times when professional intervention is necessary. Persistent slow drains, recurring clogs, or water backing up in sinks, toilets, or bathtubs are signs of serious underlying issues that require a plumber’s expertise. Additionally, if you notice a foul odor around your house, it could indicate a sewer backup, which warrants a call to the plumber. Attempting to fix serious plumbing issues on your own can lead to more damage and higher repair costs down the line. Therefore, knowing when to call a professional is just as important as being able to handle minor issues yourself.

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