Two Tips for Each Trimester of Pregnancy

A full-term pregnancy is split into three trimesters. Each one has new milestones for the mother and baby to achieve.

But how can you ensure a healthy and stress-free pregnancy? Read two tips for each trimester of pregnancy to help you through this thrilling yet frightening time.

The First Trimester (0-13 Weeks)

Your pregnancy journey is just beginning! However, it will typically start with nausea, vomiting, mood swings, and plenty of cravings. How can you start your pregnancy on the right foot?

Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins

The first step for your pregnancy is to take prenatal vitamins. You’re caring for your body and growing another one. You will need plenty of nutrients to sufficiently support both beings.

Prenatal vitamins are abundant in calcium, vitamin D, iron, zinc, folic acid, DHA, and EPA. Each nutrient and vitamin promote a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby.

Schedule Necessary Vaccinations

Vaccines are essential to protect people from dangerous diseases and illnesses. Pregnant people are more at risk of illnesses and putting their baby’s health in jeopardy.

The CDC currently recommends vaccination, including the flu shot, Tdap vaccine, and COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccinations will provide precautionary protection for the baby’s health and yours. Discuss with your doctor before receiving vaccinations to ensure it’s the best next step for your healthcare treatment.

The Second Trimester (14-26 Weeks)

The second trimester is the first time you’ll feel the baby start to move. Their organs will become fully developed as they grow each day.

Your abdomen will grow much larger than in the first trimester. You’re more likely to feel body aches and have swollen ankles or hands, high blood pressure, and a risk of diabetes.

Try a Massage To Ease Pain and Stress

As your body and life begin to change, you might feel immense mental and physical pressure. Discuss the benefits and risks of massages during pregnancy with your doctor beforehand. Schedule an appointment with a certified prenatal massage therapist if your doctor approves the treatment.

Begin Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pregnant mothers may experience incontinence, pelvic pain, or constipation during pregnancy and after birth. The pelvic floor is layers of muscles that extend from the pubic bone to the base of the spine. A weak pelvic floor will expedite these various symptoms and affect daily activities.

Strengthen the muscles by starting pelvic floor exercises. You’ll greatly improve your quality of life during pregnancy and after giving birth.

The Third Trimester (27-40 Weeks)

The end of the pregnancy is arriving soon! The baby is becoming fully formed! You may experience shortness of breath, heartburn, swelling, and false labor.

Try Swimming as a Form of Exercise

Remaining active throughout the pregnancy is essential, but the troublesome symptoms make everything more challenging. A great tip to continue exercising during the third trimester of pregnancy is to try swimming!

The water’s buoyant nature alleviates pressure on the body. Consult with your doctor about efficient exercises to maximize your health during the final weeks of pregnancy.

Discuss Birth Control Options With Your Doctor

Many mothers wish to return to birth control following the birth of their baby. Once your child is born, life will become hectic! It’s best to establish the preferred form of birth control with your doctor before the baby’s arrival.

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