Who Has Time to Play Tooth Fairy? You Do, Now.

When Shannon Cahoon’s kids were young, she spent hours (often late at night) crafting teeny tiny letters from the Tooth Fairy every time a tooth was lost. Each letter was personal to her kids, talking about their interests and even…wait for it…rhyming. Once her daughter Savannah lost a tooth on Christmas Eve (um, WHAT?), and she and her husband created an elaborate scene combining the wonder of Christmas with gold glitter footprints.

She got so good at it, that friends wanted her to put her wings on for their kids, too. Or other moms would ask where she got the tiny gifts for her son Hudson, and where could they get the same? It was then that Shannon came up with the idea to make it easy for every parent to create a magical gift-giving experience for their kids when they lose a tooth.

Mompetition is real, y’all. And who has the time to be creative and come up with gifts, poems and write teensy letters for their kids? Some of you might, but for the rest of us, there’s an easy way to set kids’ imagination free. 

tooth fairy ideas

It’s called Hold The Magic, and it’s Shannon’s way of helping you create magical moments without getting finger cramps from writing in miniature. Every gift set includes 3 gifts and letters in golden bags and a bottle of golden glitter (because Fairy dust is awesome). Forget digging around for cash (who even has it anymore? And Venmo isn’t available in Fairyland yet). Just get everything you need, so when that tooth is lost, you’re more than ready–you’re magical!

Why? Because money isn’t the currency of childhood. Magic is.

tooth fairy ideas

Check out Hold The Magic to bring the magic into your home.

tooth fairy ideas

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