#MomCrush Monday: Meet Karina Rosendo, Founder & CEO of Stitch Lab

1. You’re a mompreneur and founder and CEO of Stitch Lab – my goodness. How do you manage to juggle all of this so successfully?

mom crush monday karina rosendo stitch lab
Stitch Lab Marketplace

I’m lucky enough to have the best support system in the world. Without my husband, family and team none of it would be possible. They’ve kept me grounded and motivated me every step of the way and I couldn’t be more grateful.

2. You’ve held job titles from TV producer, a digital marketing strategist, and now a fashion entrepreneur. You have successfully worked in one of the toughest industries to work in. What tips do you have for other women wanting to get into these industries?

I always say you don’t have to run before you walk. The only person you are in competition with is yourself, so take things slow and don’t be afraid to make mistakes because that is not only how you will learn, but it’s how you will build confidence.

3. With a startup business that’s changing the perception of fashion inclusivity, bringing awareness to Latin American talent to the U.S. Can you share with us your motivation behind this?

There are many things that I personally love about Latin American fashion – there is so much talent in the industry that deserves to be recognized and heard of. I simply wanted to create a vessel to share this remarkable talent with the world – especially in the U.S. – where European and fast fashion brands reign. LATAM fashion brings something fresh, unique, and best of all, sustainable practices to the U.S. fashion market, and it fills me with so much joy to be able to help these designers gain exposure and expand their businesses on a larger scale.

4. Being such an incredible mother and entrepreneur, what are three things you would like to share with EVERY mom or mom-to-be about? How can you still achieve your PERSONAL goals while successfully managing your mom and home life?

mom crush monday karina rosendo stitch lab
Karina Rosendo with her family
  • First, don’t feel bad about putting yourself first. We get caught up juggling family and work that we often forget to take care of ourselves in the process, but we can’t show up and be our best selves for our families if we don’t feel it – so book that spa day and practice self care as much as you can.
  • Second, don’t be afraid to ask for help. As mompreneurs we place a lot of pressure on ourselves to do it all (and we can!) but asking for help in times of need is a sign of strength and a good example to your children, too. Recognize your support system is there for a reason and you’re never a burden for asking for a helping hand – both in work and personal life.
  • Third, remember to be a mom first – always. I love being an entrepreneur and it takes up a huge part of my life, but my son IS my life. Work will always come second, no matter what.

5. What is your favorite song lyric? Why?

I feel like it changes depending on my mood or the situations I’m in at the moment. But if I’m having a difficult day or struggling with something, I can always count on the lyrics from “A Beautiful Day” by U2 to cheer me up every time.

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